q) What is your name and what do you do?
a)My name is Luuk Bode, and I make paintings, drawings, sculptures, illustrations, designs. All kinds of things, really, but mostly paintings an drawings.
q)When did you really get into art?
a)I got interested in comics as a kid, and from there on I got interested in art more and more
q)How did you come to the realization that you should try your luck at art on a more serious level?
a)At 15 I had to choose which courses to take in school, and I did'nt have any alternatives but to go to art school to study illustration. There simply wasn't anything else I wanted to do. Since I am entirely incapable in doing things I don't want to do, there was but one thing I could do... so I did.
q)How did you discover the particular style that you have?
a)In art school, I basically tried
everything, from rough impasto painting and charcoal drawings etc. to graphic styles. Slowly my preference for pop-influences became more obvious. Later on everything became more symmetrical and then even more geometrical. At one point everything was really basic, then the outlines grew fatter- the flow came later on. Last year my work really took a turn: I started to make abstract paintings. So everything is developing very rapidly right now and at this point I don't have a clue where I'm going to end up. But I'm really satisfied with some of the results so far - so I'm riding this wave and see where it crashes.
q)How would you describe your style?
a)Bright colours, fat outlines.
q)Who or what influences your art?
a)Well, mostly what I see around me. The city, posters, design, billboards. Also -or lately, especially- if they're torn or worn out. And comics, religious parafernalia. In the art department influences range from Roy Lichtenstein, to Piet Mondriaan and Barnett Newman, Jasper Johns... but also Rick Griffin was a great inspiration.
q)How often do you create a new piece?
a)Difficult to tell. I'm always working but I also do some commercial art. To be honest, I think I only come up with 2, maybe 3 pieces a year that really measure up to my own standards. Last year I did 4 paintings and 1 project that were at the top of what I am capable of - so for myself that was a very good year. Still, it's not very productive and that bothers me.
q)What kind of success have you had with your art?
a)With three fellow-artists I did a sculpture in the centre of
Also, I did a cd-cover and booklet for the biggest rockband in
In 2007 I did a painting on a market square in
q)What would be the ultimate goal for you and your art?
a)Well, at this moment it's 00:30 o'clock, I've got my old Judas Priest-records blaring, I'm having my beer and I'm sketching.... so there's not a lot left to wish for, right now.
Tomorrow I'd probably tell you that my ultimate goal is to make art that becomes to be inevitable to people. That for them there's no way looking around it - annoying the hell out of most, but kicking butt to the rest...
q)What do you see as an accomplishment in the way of art?
a)Having those goosebumps...
q)What kind of message, if any, do you try to convey through your art?
a)Well, if that was something that can be answered in just one sentence, it would be quite sad, really. Just look at it, see if it raises any questiuons with you. And then trying to answer them yourself - that's the whole process, that's what it's all about.
q)Sum up your art in one word.
q)Any additional comments?
a)Thank you for your interest in me!
q)…your contacts…
a) Luuk Bode
e-mail: info@luukbode.com
website: www.luukbode.com
myspace: www.myspace.com/luukbode
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