q)Please introduce yourself.
a)I’m a french artist, painter, sculptor and illustrator. I’m graduated from Montpellier Fine Arts School with complementary courses from Nantes Fine Arts School in France. During the Itineraires d'artistes Forum, organized by the Aquitaine Regional Council my sketchbook is awarded a special distinction by the Jury. At the same occasion The Rotary Club buys a portfolio comprised of illustrations, prints and silkscreens. In 2000 I had been chosen to be part of an artist residency at Lakeside Studios in Michigan. My work is further shown in full at the Lakeside Gallery. Some of these works taken from this exhibit plus some new artworks are put together a year later in a joint exhibit specially organized for the Mars Gallery in Chicago.
q)Where do you live and work?
a)I lives and works in Montreal where I promotes the legendary french publisher of the international underground The Dernier Cri.
q)How would you describe your work to someone who has never seen it?
a)My paintings and papier mâchè 3 D carry the intensity linked with Art Brut through complex compositions and meticulous applications of textures and colors. My acrylic paintings sometimes borrow the idea of ex-voto paintings using contemporary pop iconography taken for the most part from American culture. My art work shows a strong influence from the cartoonesque world of the Asian Manga, Mexican popular art and global subcultures. It is tempting to describe my art books as artsy and edgy comics. The result is challenging visuals, at times almost childish, as well as a mix of French and English views giving a unique perspective on the American experience.
q)How did you start in the arts? How/when did you realize you were an artist?
a)I’am french and I grew up in The Douanier Rousseau’s city. Laval is very close to Robert Tatin ‘s muséum. At seventeen I went to Gaston Chaissac’s exhibition, it was a such amazing art with intense feeling of freedom than I decided I would make the same thing !
q)What are your favorite art materials and why?
a)Acrylic medum is the fast way to paint ! Working in paper maché sculptures let me create my forms quickly. Recycled supports are inspiring me and I feels confortable with that medum.1 customizes it and it is really fun ! Right now I ‘am painting on canvas because most of the poeple likes clean and serious support ! Black pencil to draw my sketches
q)What/who influences you most?
a)Most of the time absurd and illogic’s situations are influencing me for my sketch books….popular art, primitive art, art brut for my paintings…
q)Describe a typical day of art making for you.
a)I’m usually working for new project with dead line. Then I’m spending all day and all night in my studio with my favorite France Culture’s radio station.
q)Do you have goals, specific things you want to achieve with your art or in your career as an artist?
a)I would love to create a monumentale sculpture in an american big city.
q)What contemporary artists or developments in art interest you?
a)Artist from providence (USA), Paper Rad, Kramers’ergot édition, Orlan , Messager, Buenaventura Press, Outsider art, artist from Le Dernier Cri, Asian Manga, contemporary underground US scene ….
q)How long does it typically take you to finish a piece?
a) Usually one month for a painting Two weeks for a 3 D Several months for a silkscreen art book
q)Do you enjoy selling your pieces, or are you emotionally attached to them?
a)I’m emotionally attached to them after one month of intimity ! But it’s really cool when my paintings be a success. It’s an honor to sell it !And it’s my job anyway !
q)Is music important to you? If so, what are some things you're listening to now?
a)Since i’am young I ‘m always been involving in music. 1 was singer in a riot band called The Trottinettes.1997 till 2003, I was manager of the legendary independant music club Zoobizarre in Bordeaux, France. My underground club was dedicating to alternative art in alls forms. Current line-ups was including electronic music, experimental music, independent rock, underground hip-hop, video art and performance. Right now really good shows was Fucked Up, canadian punk hard core, The Death Set. My favorite music right now is Art Brut and Silverfish….OH! and I went to igloo fest last week and I discovered a really cool dj called Adam freeland from UK !
a)All art books, Hundertwasser,Picasso, Arts Martials book, Underground comic books, my recent book are Calamity Janes « letters to her daughter « , Picasso by Gala, Louis Soutter, Boston buildings….
q)What theories or beliefs do you have regarding creativity or the creative process?
a)Art must be not serious but serious, funny, extrême, beautiful, awesome, subversif , disturbing , naive and brut.
q)What do you do (or what do you enjoy doing) when you're not creating?
a)Networking, flee market, collected artist pieces, shopping, playing with my son’s Leon and creating with him….. his drawings are fascinating he is really good ! I like to pratise Tai-chi in my health club . Climbing mountain with my sister.
q)Do you have any projects or shows coming up that you are particularly excited about?
a)Mars to april 2009, Art auction live at Mountain Lake PBS television + group exhibition in Plattsburg April 2009 in Boston, I registrated to participate for a Conference on International Opportunities in the Arts at Transcultural exchange May 2009 Toronto Comic Art Festival June 2009, solo exhibition at the Casa del popolo in Montreal : I would be the featured artist for the Suoni per y Popolo Music Festival. I will be showing my new works called Art Kills Texas: Comprised of 16 pieces, paintings and papier mâché sculptures, these artworks were greatly inspired by my trip at the 2005 South by Southwest Music Festival in Austin Texas. Back home in MontréaI I used my sketches from the festival to create an art book of artsy and edgy comics SXSW. From this art book emerged 90 cm x 90 cm paintings and meduim size sculptures. 2010, solo exhibition at Wilder & Davis gallery ( Montreal)
q)Do you follow contemporary art scenes? If so, how? What websites, magazines, galleries do you prefer?
a)I’am following Montreal contemporary art scene. Best 2008 Montreal exhibitions : Yves Laroche gallery HQgalerie ( Montreal) 106U Gallery Sophie Calle exhibition « PRENEZ SOIN DE VOUS ! » at DHC-ART « MUSIC AND DANSE IN Andy Warhol ‘s WORKS » at Museum of Fine Arts SYMPATY FOR THE DEVIL: Art & Rock’n roll since 1967 at MAC Yves St Laurent’s exhibition Best art magazine : Kramer’s Ergot Buenaventura press Raw vision Hopital Brut from Le Dernier Cri
q)Ask yourself a question you'd like to answer, and answer it.
a)How do you feel when you don’t have inspiration ? Very frustrated .
q)Any advice for aspiring artists?
a)Do It Yourself !
q)Where can we see more of your work online ?
a) http://valeriesury.com
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